Actual use of Clever Travel Companion with insulin pump

Clever Travel Companion underwear for diabetic
It is with great joy and pride that we have come to discover that our clothes with hidden pockets also helps many, many people with diabetes, by providing a safe and secure place to carry their insulin pump. People that don’t want to risk being exposed to the risk of losing their valuables (credit cards, passport, etc.) have also used our gear for many years.

Most of our gear have two pockets, different gear have different placements of the pockets - this gives the wearer great freedom in how to carry the pump, but also, a way to balance the load of different items; have a pump in one pocket and your passport, keys, credit cards or even phone in the other when needing to stay completely safe. The uses for our underwear and other gear are endless and will make your everyday life a bit easier and a lot safer.

Clever Travel Companion insulin pump

Customer Voices

I have used these underwear now for a few months washing in between uses of course :) and love them! It makes everything so much easier and they are very comfortable.

"I wish you made something like this for kids. My daughter was diagnosed at 2. Now 5, we struggle with pimp placement and how to carry it even more since she’s at daycare and school."

"My two boy’s and I are diabetics the younger boy recently got a pump I can’t wait for him to see these boxers."

Check out some of our gear with hidden pockets

Clothes with hidden pockets!