💉Scarves AT COST (>50%) - stay safe!🔬👾🌐👥 wrap a clean scarf around your nose and mouth!
Offering our scarves at cost (>50%)
A recent article in Live Science informs us that: "The public doesn't need to wear heavy-duty respirators, but it's a smart idea to don a face mask or wrap a clean scarf around your nose and mouth if you're going into a crowded place during the COVID-19 outbreak, an infectious disease doctor told Live Science."
And later on CNN we learn that "Even if it's just a homemade cloth mask, if you wear it correctly and avoid touching it, the science suggests that it won't hurt you and will most likely reduce your exposure to the virus.".
We don't know how much, or if at all, this will help but want to contribute in any way we can. Thus we're offering our lightweight scarves AT COST for the next week (at least).
Please use code: "ScarfCost" at checkout to purchase lightweight scarves at cost until further notice.
Please stay safe wherever you are!
N.B. Please note that during the period of social distancing during this outbreak, we're unable to receive returns and exchanges but any such request will be logged in the order received and counted per that date.