The Clever Travel Companion Updates

Textbook Pickpocket Manoeuvre Leaves Grandmother $2650 Out of Pocket

The video below captures the moment two professional pickpockets carried out their grubby work on an unsuspecting victim, in this case a 69 year old grandmother...

Oct 21 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

How to stay safe as a solo female traveller

PLAN, PLAN, PLAN You might be a spontaneous traveller, but when going solo, you should book at least your first night of accommodation before arrival. One...

Oct 14 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Communication Tips for Travellers

Communicating with other people while you are travelling is an essential part of your journey. It helps you get by when you’re lost or need help...

Sep 27 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Safety Tips for Young Solo Travelers

This article originally appeared in the Independent SA.As the popular saying goes: "In the School of Life, travel is the best teacher".  Some of the world's...

Aug 31 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Bus Pickpocket Caught In Action

If you're a fan of Clever Travel Companion, you'll be more than aware of the methods pickpockets use to get their grubby paws on victims valuables,...

Aug 29 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Travel Safety Tips

Everyone is aware of the danger pickpockets and thieves pose and how that danger is especially exacerbated when it comes to tourists and travelers. The consequences...

Aug 10 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Tourist catches pickpocket, gives thief some money for petrol!

A not so Clever Traveler who had her pocket picked in Bali then made the surprising choice to treat the thief with kindness — even giving her some money to...

Jul 31 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Top Pickpocket Locations? The London Underground!

The London Undergound: for tourists, a must try experience widely featured as part of London and the U.K's unique culture. For Londoners, a love hate relationship....

Jul 17 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

The Eiffel Tower... Pickpocket heaven?

  The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the sites that is probably on every single person's bucket list, at least every single avid traveler's....

Jul 13 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickpocketing in Australia!

Australia presents a unique problem for travelers when it comes to pickpockets. Travelers often think of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania as sunny fun-filled paradises where...

Jul 03 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Travel Scams Updated: Top 50!

The top tourist scams has been updated for 2017! Direct Travel UK has researched the top 50 most common and most dangerous scams that travelers and...

Jun 16 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion

The RFID Myth Exposed

So a few weeks back, The Clever Travel Companion posted a blog article on the reason it doesn't offer RFID products or technology. You can read...

Feb 22 2017
Post by Clever Travel Companion