Pickpocketing Techniques

ATM Schemes: How to Keep Your Money Safe from Pickpockets

Not all pickpockets like to hang around crowded tourist attractions. Some of them like to pick easy targets at ATMs, where people are vulnerable. Pickpockets might...

Dec 07 2020
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Restaurant Scams: Everything You Need to Know

Pickpockets are everywhere—even in restaurants. Since most people aren’t aware that shady individuals can cook up all kinds of schemes in these places, thieves are often...

Jun 03 2019
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Bold Subway Schemes: 3 Ways to Avoid Getting Pick-pocketed

In the global era of cyber crime, the age-old problem of pickpocketing remains a widespread issue. Most victims don’t report the crimes, but when they do,...

Jun 02 2019
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickpockets Have Found a New Way to Exploit Your Sympathy

With the world being more progressive each passing year, you will always find people raising awareness and fighting against environmental, social, and cultural injustices in the...

May 22 2019
Post by Clever Travel Companion