10 Things you MUST NOT do When you Travel Abroad
All of us have heard horror stories from every region on the globe. Mention a country or a city, or type in a place name on Google and you'll certainly drag up some stories you wish you hadn't. Stories that will make you question whether to visit the destination, whether to take a vacation or whether to leave the house at all.
It's true there are dangers everywhere in the world, its the reason Clever Travel Companion and its travel safety gear exists at all but how common are they and of the stories you read, how much is actually reported? Well it is safe to say there's a little bit more to most than what you will be able to find out.
Most horror stories can be traced back to mostly unintended tourist negligence, so we've put together a guide of what NOT to do in order to avoid ruining your trip.
1. Don't flash large sums of foreign or local cash nor exchange money at non-registered or shady looking money exchanges.
2. Don't look like an obvious tourist, leave the Hawaiian shirt at home and try not to consult maps in public or look lost.
3. Don't carry a backpack that looks like luggage or even at all. Use Clever Travel Companion pickpocket proof gear instead.
4. Don't walk with your bag loosely hung over your shoulder or facing the roadside. This will deter bike thieves from targeting you.
5. Don't visit dangerous places or walk in unfamiliar, isolated or dimly lit areas. Especially at night. This may seem obvious but its very easy to neglect.
6. Don't leave your valuables in public view. That includes your passport as much as your iPhone. Again, the best solution is Clever Travel Companion.
7. Don't park anywhere but in a well-lit place, take all valuables with you or lock them in the trunk. Leave hitchhikers to locals.
8. Don't drive an obvious or labelled rental car, hide maps, travel docs and other valuables in the glove compartment. Rental cars are targeted by thieves so make sure you're insured properly.
9. Don't keep your house or hotel keys on the same ring as your vehicle key, leave your accommodation keys with reception.
10. Don't keep cash, jewelry, medicine or other valuables in your luggage and never leave your bags unattended. Use Clever Travel Companion's secret pockets instead.
As mentioned above, most problems overseas can be caused through general tourist negligence and most of those above could be considered obvious and relate to the treatment of your valuables, not behaving like an obvious tourist, making yourself a target and as sad as it is to say, making yourself "worth attacking". The fact of the matter is that although having your valuables stolen or being mugged is incredibly scary and inconvenient, you will live to fight another day. The unfortunate truth of the world we live in is that often, these small, petty crimes are what leads to escalated violence, so remaining vigilant over your belongings and following the above rules will keep you safe and happy.
One sure fire way of doing this, is to use Clever Travel Companion's gear. After-all, it is what it was created for. It's incredibly functional, it suits all travelers with a discreet design and keeps valuables safe and sound and out of sight.
So to use the old cliché "better safe than sorry", ensure your own safety on your next trip and make sure you're wearing Clever Travel Companion.