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A Quick Travel Guide To World Wide Tipping

Tipping in the USA is part of our culture, and so we know to tip 20% in bars and restaurants. We also tip cabbies, bellman, and other hospitality professionals within our country. In Europe the rules often seem exotic or illogical, and who knows what is correct for tipping in China or Japan? The rules vary highly based upon the culture, and wages of hospitality and restaurant employees in each country. 

Here in America we tip everyone that aids in our trip, from Concierges for arranging special events and meals, to cabbies and bellhops. Usually this is a percentage, but tipping housekeeping should be a few dollars daily, but higher in nicer properties. 

From tipping the flight attendant a few dollars for each drink, to the dollar standard tip to both porters and skycaps that carry the bags. Parking Attendants are also tipped a few dollars every time they fetch the car. Doormen are tipped $1 for cab calls, and a dollar per bag if he carries. 

In Europe, in dining one leaves the change left over from paying for the meal, since restaurant staffs are paid much better there. Australia, is a place where one rarely tips at restaurants since they make high enough wages that they are not dependent on it. Usually in Europe one does not tip, as they have higher wages so it is not required. This is true in Western Europe, and the EU there is no guidance for the Eastern Sphere, but since it is strongly a cash economy it likely has become American Style tipping.

The UK often calls a tip a “service charge” on a bill, when it is appropriate, and usually charges 15 percent. The French themselves tip 10 percent for good service, but do not expect visitors to do the same. Switzerland usually is the same as France, but when in doubt a 15 percent tip is correct. Turkey does prefer American style tips, as does Canada in the 10 percent range in both countries. Places that are UK influenced or “ Sphere” often do accept tips for good service, and have the American standards for bars and restaurants. 

South America generally accepts tips, with Mexico being mainly cash, and USA style tipping. Argentina also prefers 10 percent tips, but tipping is not done in Brazil. Egypt and Israel use America-style tipping, as does India. This again is due to countries that are cash reliant, rather than stable economies.

Japan, China and Korea prefer bows and thank-you instead of tips in most situations. Generally in Asia and Europe one does not tip at all, the UK is an exception as is India. This is due mostly to local affluence, and colonial influences. Poor countries that run on cash like India, Mexico, and Romania do accept generous tips.


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