5 Things Every Traveler Should Consider!
Photocopy your Passport
Yes, photocopying your passport is great on so many levels. In some countries a copy of your passport, ensures that you have identification for anything from entrance to tourist attractions to renting a motorcycle. Lots of tourist attractions won’t let you enter unless they can see your passport or a copy of it before entering.
You may say, why don’t I just use my passport as normal. Carrying your passport is risky. There is the chance it could be stolen or misplaced and that could cause a lots of problems. So, using this advice copying your passport makes a lot more sense and adds to you protecting your identity. Furthermore, keep your passport in a safe in the hotel and you should not have any problems, having photo copies is key, because it will speed up the process of getting a replacement, if one is needed.
Don’t Over Pack
Be frugal. Doing this you will ensure that you only take what you need. Roll everything up, this provides more space in your suitcase. Therefore, when you are on holiday, not only do you have all you need but you have room to buy plenty of souvenirs and plenty of room in your suitcase. Key point no extra charge for my luggage on return. Let’s say you are going to a destination where you know things are typically cheaper than your home country. So in this situation I would pack a minimal quantity of clothes. Therefore, this provides me with the opportunity to purchase items at a greatly reduced rate and now I have more than adequate space in my suitcase.
Don’t Pre-Book Everything
If you pre-book you are limiting your flexibility and freedom. Furthermore, usually pre-booking does not save you a lot of money, in fact travel agents often inflate the cost than if you were to buy locally. What I mean by this is - let’s say you are going for a 2-week vacation and you have booked an experience where on everyday something is planned for you to do. While I feel something like that may seem more convenient for the traveler who doesn’t want any hassle, though in reality you are really limiting yourself.
When you do this it makes your vacation a lot more restricted. You are somewhat stuck doing what has been planned even if you don’t feel in the mood that day, you will feel entitled to do it because you have already paid for it. While I don’t think pre booking some activates and special events before you arrive is a bad thing, I wouldn’t recommend not over doing it. If you leave more time free it will truly allow you more flexibility to do things you see and learn about when you arrive at your destination that you may not have even known about beforehand. Having the flexibility and freedom to do what you want at any time stops you being restricted when you shouldn’t be. This freedom allows you do go with the flow and really maximize your experience to the utmost potential.
Don’t Always Stay at Hotels
While staying at hotels may always seem the most practical and comfortable option. There are a lot of options available. If you were to rent a condo for example, this gets you in and around local life and you really get to experience what it’s like to live there. Other options are, you could stay at a hostel or ever use a site like couch surf where you stay at residents home free of charge. All of these options allow you to experience the country you are in and most importantly the people and the culture and for me that’s something amazing that you don’t want to miss out on.
Try a Location that’s off The Radar
Whilst it’s nice to go to popular locations, maybe you should consider trying something off the radar. Visiting a location like that is going to give you a more local vibe that sometimes you just won’t experience in the popular tourist locations. By that I mean trying somewhere unusual, somewhere unpredictable, somewhere that is out of the ordinary. Maybe just maybe this will turn out to be your dream location.
This article entry has been submitted by guest poster David Gray from Best Tent For You