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Packing Cleverly

Packing for a trip. Some love it, some hate it, but almost everyone ends up having problems. Am I bringing too much? What do I really need? How do I pack? What should I pack in?

Different kinds of travel requires different packing. For instance on a leisurely cruise, normal suitcases are fine and overpacking is really not a problem sine you will not have to carry the bags more than twice, onto the boat and off the boat back home. So on a cruise you can bring all your books and clothes!

Airline travel is more difficult. Suitcases are fine but you have the weight restriction to keep in mind. Excess weight can become really expensive. Suitcases are in my opinion the best choice for airline travel and perfect for just taking a trip somewhere, with one or two easy destinations. It keeps clothes nice looking and they are easy to pack.

But what about when you will be moving around, when you plan multiple stops and know you will be carrying your luggage a lot, and carrying it yourself? Well, there really is no other option but a backpack. Backpacks come in all price ranges, some claim there is an art to backpacks and as a result they can become ridiculously pricey. I have backpacked a lot over the years and I have always found backpacks to be either too big, too small and uncomfortable. Maybe that is because as a young backpacker price is important and what I could afford perhaps was not the best stuff. 

I am not that particular, I don't care about looks, brand or hip factor. Bags break, they get dirty. I don't think spending a lot on bags is justified. I like keeping it simple. I don't want fancy schmanzy bags with tons of zipers and closures and strings and stuff. I do however want a smart bag. I want the weight well distributed, I want comfort and I want ease of use. It should be easy to pack, to unpack and to find things in. And it should be roomy,

Having reinvented a travel product myself with the Clever Travel Companion's travel safety clothing withs secret pockets, I am especially fond of novelties, smart innovations, that attack a problem and find a smart solution. The Tortuga Backpack is one such innovation. The guys behind the Tortuga backpacks call their bag 'the ultimate Travel Backpack' and I think I am prone to agree. It is a simple backpack with smart compartments, no unnecessary fluff. It is reasonably priced and it has a great warranty. And best of all, even though it is surprisingly roomy, it is a carry on size.




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1 comment


Thanks for the shout out, Johanna!

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