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Excellent Travel Reads: Blogs, Mags and More

Many of you ask us where to read more about travel, travel tips, travel safety, travel insurance, basically where can you read more about travel in all kinds shapes and forms. To be honest, there are probably more travel blogs and websites than any other category..there are so many adventurous people from all over the world that chronicles their journeys. Many do it for fun, and mostly for an audience of family and friends. Others do it for a living, at least temporarily to support their vagabondish lifestyles, and there are everything froms smaller one man show blogs, to large, contributor driven and advertising funded travel websites. They all have one thing in common:  a love of travel and discovering new places, inspiring things, meeting people and encountering new adventures.

Here are a few of our favorites. These are but a few, there are many, many more that we will get around to later:

Of course, no list is complete with out the Lonely Planet, they have been fro years and will probably be for a long time the ultimate go to source for information: Lonely Planet

Matador is a favorite with personal stories, reviews and tips all neatly organized and categorized.

Twenty something Liz chronicles her travels in L'appel du Vide

Do you speak Spanish? Blog

For everything about the great northern country Canada: I Backpack Canada

The title says it all: Brooklyn Exposed

Smarter Travel is huge, andhas everything travle related.

Finally the Gadling, yes it too is huge, and now owned by the Huffington Post. It features some of the best travel writers out there.

And finally, a favorite, Italian Alessandro Baffa chronicles his travels whilst living by the words of Mark Twain: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

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