The Clever Travel Companion Updates
High Risk Pickpocketing Areas: Where Are You Most Vulnerable?
If you haven’t already, conduct an Internet search for the 10 worst cities for pickpockets in the world. It’s no surprise to see Barcelona at the...
Pickpocketing and safety in Turkey
Turkey is a destination full of rich and diverse culture that makes exploration more enjoyable. There are so many attractions to see and views to take...
France issues warning about pickpockets during Tour de France
The Tour de France is a big draw for tourists and travelers of all kinds. Unfortunately, this also means it is a draw for pickpockets. We’ve...
Can you Spot the Pickpocket?
Pickpocketing is a skill and like with all skills, some are better at it than others.
Appolo Robbins Really is that Good
Do check out this article in the New Yorker about pickpocket superpower Apollo Robbins. It is really fascinating to hear how he does it. Well, how...
High Risk Pickpocketing Areas: Where Are You Most Vulnerable?
If you haven’t already, conduct an Internet search for the 10 worst cities for pickpockets in the world. It’s no surprise to see Barcelona at the...
Videos & Stats
Pickpocketing videos! Here's a collection of videos about pickpocketing, incidents, accidents, skills and how to stay safe. If you have a story to share, please don't...
Pickpocketing is on the Rise in Paris, too.
Pickpocketing is up 11% in Paris. This video is in French, but the gist of it is: watch your valuables, tourists are especially vulnerable. Just look...
A Barcelona Pick Pocket Story
Barcelona is oft considered the most pick pocket infested city. Check out this video on how one woman is trying to combat pickpockets. Video from
How Bad Are The Pickpockets in Paris?
The real question question is whether or not pickpockets in Paris have slowed down in the months following the Louvre incident. By all accounts and crime...
Pickpocket Infographic
Here's our new pickpocket statistics infographic. Just click the image or the link below to see a larger version. Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket Statistics Infographic
Easy Peasy Pickpocketing....
In a recent article from the UK's Mail Online a series of photographs show how easy a group of 'professional' pickpockets make targeting unsuspecting, helpful tourists....