The Clever Travel Companion Updates

Going to exotic Asia?

The Asian continent boasts exquisite cuisine, some of the best beaches and dive spots, and the most modern architecture in the world. The big cities are...

Nov 06 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

USA Today Readers' Best: The Clever Travel Companion

Dear fellow travelers! How exciting is this?! The Clever Travel Companion has been nominated for the best gift for adventurers. Please help us out and vote for the...

Oct 26 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Lost, Delayed And Damaged Luggage - Tips You Need To Know Before You Fly

There's not much worse when traveling than having your luggage lost or damaged on what is supposed to be a wonderful vacation. It does happen that luggage...

Oct 22 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Bali bag snatching gone really, really bad

Friday afternoon, here in seemingly calm, safe Canggu, Bali a young girl was seriously injured as a thief snatched her bag. According to the Canggu Community...

Oct 04 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

All gone, the pickpocket got me

Imagine this: after a long, sweaty, tiring summer of getting up every morning at 4 am, to rush out in the morning darkness, alone, hop on...

Sep 20 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickpockets in the Middle East? You can bet your bottom dollar on it.

If you have been keeping up with our blog, you know by now that pickpockets are everywhere. However, when tourists think of dangers that might await...

Sep 17 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Safety and Pick Pocketing in Sydney

Sydney is a popular Australian destination that has so much to offer tourists. It has beaches, museum, culture and amazing cuisine that can keep you enthralled...

Sep 07 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickpockets in Central and South America

Pickpockets have been well documented in Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Events like the World Cup and Carnival create the kind of...

Aug 30 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

A look at the bigger pickpocket picture

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about which countries in specific areas have problems with pickpockets and muggings. Let’s round out this picture with a...

Aug 24 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

This is how you fool a Pick Pocket!

Thank you to the team over at Clapway for a great video faturing the Clever Travel Companion's womens' pick pocket proof t-shirt.  

Jul 17 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Where do we get our pickpocket statistics?

We’ve talked a lot about the top 10 places worldwide to beware pickpockets before in our blog - the information is from the very helpful list...

Jun 04 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Little Hands are Worth Big Money in Major European Cities

Pickpocket gangs are on the rise, but who is really doing the dirty work? Surely you’d like to believe that you would notice the shady character...

Sep 24 2014
Post by Clever Travel Companion