The Clever Travel Companion Updates
Pickpocket Stories, Tell us Yours for a Chance to Win!
Et voila last weeks pickpocket stories as related by our blog readers. One winner will be picked each month for a free Clever travel Companion product...
Pickpocket Travel Stories, Part 3
Here's the final installment of pick pocket travel stories from Smarter Travel give away of Clever Travel Companion gear. "About eight years ago I was running...
On sale! T-shirts with classical travel quotes!
Just in time for summer the Clever Travel Companion can offer some super sweet travel t-shirts with travel quote prints, celebrating the endless opportunities travel brings...
Summer Travel Gear Sweepstakes
Join an amazing summer travel gear sweepstakes! The Clever Travel Companion has joined forces with Tortuga Backpacks! You can win lots of fabulous travel gear! SImply...
Win Free Clever Travel Companion Products!
Our friends over at Smarter Travel is kindly hosting a Clever Travel Companion contest. We are given away one woman's and one men's product of the...
Shipping, Customer Service, Returns and all That
Today we received an email from a customer that made us all very happy. This is what it said: "Hello. My order just arrived and I have to...
Win one of each product from the Clever Travel Companion
We are giving away an awesome product package to one lucky winner: 1 underwear with pockets 1 t-shirt with pocket 1 tank top with pocket 1...
Finney's Friday Free Stuff on ABC news, 7 on Your side
WOW! What a response! The Clever Travel Companion was just featured in Finney's Friday Free Stuff on ABC news, 7 on your side, the San Francisco Bay...
30% off all orders until end of day January 19
Hipp hipp Hooray! The Clever Travel companion turns 6 months tomorrow, January 19! help us celebrate. Spread the word and use code 'CelebrateCTC' for 30 %...