CTC travelers: Benjamin's Story
We received this lovely message from Benjamin. Benjamin seems to be living quite the adventure (we are seriously impressed, wow, talk about living life to the fullest!) and he has some great tips for what to consider when going through security with the Clever Travel Companion’s gear…. Benjamin is also a designer and photographer. Thank you so much Benjamin and safe, happy travels from all of us here at Clever Travel Companion HQ!
“I am ordering two more pairs after testing out a sample pair on a recent trip to Russia and Spain. I love these things - they are super comfortable for wearing on a plane and the pockets are perfect - the zippers add confidence and they are just all around perfect for traveling. There is ONE thing you should mention on your page however - and I learned the hard way.
When traveling - DO NOT load up the pockets before going through airport security. Wait until getting through security to put your money and credit cards in the hidden pockets. I put extra cash and credit cards in them and went through security and was singled out for "enhanced screening" in a private room. I had to disrobe and empty the pockets to show them they wasn't anything nefarious in the pockets. HOWEVER - both the screeners were very impressed with the quality and functionality of the underwear!! :) Kudos to you.
I was actually in Pamplona running with the bulls - my first time - and I wore these to to hold my ID in case anything really bad happened - at least they would be able to identify me! You aren't allowed to carry anything in the actual run and I was worried anything in my pockets would fall out - so they took a lot of the worry out of being identified in a foreign country should the bulls have gotten a little overzealous!

Right after this photo - the fighting bull (the black bulls ) knocked me down, I dodged the horns but he slid into me knocking me down to the pavement hard - but I scrambled back up and finished the race - making it all the way to the bullfighting arena. They say that beginners should never start at La Curva ( (Dead Mans Corner) so that is right where I headed!! Yeh - I'm like that - and I made the classic mistake they say rookies make - instead of running to the right - I saw the bulls and just ran - ending up on the left side. The Bulls don't know a corner is coming - and they often slip and slide into the left hand wall as they make their way around the corner, and sure enough - that's how he slammed into me. Just solid, solid mass like a stone slab - they are so powerful and so fast. The medics washed out the scrapes on my arm (the streets are filthy) but because the medics "treated me" I get my name in the official history of the running of the bulls. So I am now "in the history books".
I am the one in the the black shirt and glasses right in front of the black bull.
It was certainly an experience. I'm 56 years old and this has been my "year of living dangerously" after a broken heart sent me into a tailspin. In January I was in Nassua swimming with Tiger Sharks - without a shark cage. It was . . . amazing - to feel such powerful creatures brush against you as they slipped through the water about 65 feet down. In September I will be in Africa with a group called VetPaws . . . a group of ex soldiers who help train game wardens and park rangers in their fight against poachers.”
Benjamin, NYImagery
Do you have a story to share? We would love to hear from you; where has the Clever Travel Companion’s gear gone and what have they experienced with you? All published stories will be awarded a product of the writer’s choice! Email us at johanna@clevertravelcompanion.com