Lonely Planets Gift Guide Loves the Clever Travel Companion!
Check out Lonely Planet's blog; they recommend the Clever Travel Companion's underwear in their latest gift guide. What an honor! I am a huge fan of the Lonely Planet. Back in the days, I used to live by those thick tomes.... I don't know how many thumbed, spilled on, ripped, sun bleached books by the Lonely Planet I have owned. I say have, past tense, because whenever I would leave a place I would leave the guide book for whomever came next and needed it. Of course I would also benefit from other travelers beaten up old guides whenever I found any. That is a great thing about backpackers - there is a really nice culture of helping each other out. Anyways, have a look at the Lonely Planet blog! They do write some nice things about the Clever Travel companion's underwear "and it’s a saviour from the waist-widening evils of travel belts and fanny packs..."