The Clever Travel Companion Updates

Waterproofing the Clever Travel Companion's Gear

Some of our lovely customers have asked for waterproofed underwear. Well, we tested making a prototype with waterproof pockets and....the reason we don't have waterproof pockets...

May 06 2015
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Perfect for an insulin pump

  Women's underwear with secret pocket Men's underwear with secret pocket Price from $29.90 Price from $29.90     We also have tank tops, t-shirts and...

Sep 03 2014
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Sweet Video Review of the Clever Travel Companion's Underwear

Here is a really good (as in you can clearly see the fit and how the underwear works, as well as all the positive things she...

Jun 09 2014
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Sweet Clever Travel Companion Review from Down Under

The Australia travel blog Our Oyster recently tested the Clever Travel Companion's gear and posted a really nice review with great photos. And they are running a...

Mar 24 2013
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Trailblazer Girl, Great New Blog!

We just discovered the site Trailblazer girl and it is really sweet. Not just because they gave the Clever Travel Companion some excellent critique but because they ahve some great conetnet and...

Jan 15 2013
Post by Clever Travel Companion

10 Best Travel Products of 2012!

Yep, the list includes the Clever Travel Companion's gear! We are happy to announce that we made Smarter Travel's best travel product list for 2012! Not...

Dec 17 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickpocket Loss Stories from J, the Travel Authority

Janine over at the blog J, the Travel Authority recently hosted a giveaway, asking travelers to related their pickpocket / travel loss stories. Here are a few...

Dec 11 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Couch Surfing Cook: Hello from Vietnam

Wylie, aka the Couch Surfing Cook has landed in Vietnam. She send us a snapshot of her wearing a Clever Travel Companion tank top in front...

Nov 07 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Pickcpocket Proof Gear - Smarter Travel Winners!

Smarter Travel asked readers to tell us about the worst thing that they've ever lost while traveling. The two lucky winners will get a pair of...

Nov 06 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

The Indecisive Traveler Works out in Our Gear

Rease Kirchner, traveler and blogger at Indecisive Traveler and Travelated, found a new great use for the Clever Travel Companion's gear. She uses the tank top to work...

Jul 31 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Traceur Friendly Clothing: Find Out in this Seriously Cool Video!

Traceur Friendly Clothing: Guest post by Jereme Sanders Underwear with pockets. Huh, sounds a little redundant for everyday wear. Unless you are flying through the air,...

Jun 02 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion

Some More Great Clever Travel Companion Reviews!

We get quite a lot of request from bloggers and travel writers to try our gear and of course we are happy to comply! After all...

Apr 13 2012
Post by Clever Travel Companion